ONIDA, a elegant deck illustrated by Nick Vlow.
Designed with flourishers in mind, the linear pattern adds dimension to rotational moves, yet doesn't overwhelm the eye with too much color or blocky artwork.
We discovered the talented young artist @NickVlow on social media and took an instant liking to his work, offering to print one of his artworks immediately. We now work very closely with him, and have other projects in the works. We are always looking for new and talented artists with a passion for playing cards. If you are a designer and have some artwork you would like to showcase, please let us know!
This is the first LPCC deck collaboration with the talented artist Nick Vlow. It features a beautiful matte uncoated paper tuck box, with UV accents, and a minimal back design that flourishers and cardists will love.
ONIDA was printed in Taiwan, with our durable and snappy and durable Diamond Finish card stock, and our ultra smooth 'Diamond Cut' edges. Only 2,000 decks were printed, with around 1,500 offered for sale. We will never re-print this deck, once they are gone they are gone forever!